diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 31a795dabcf997bd5a16dcea13d3464a32f25e1a..f243e25ed21dea577ab92273f6451119dc58c432 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Many of these steps are optional and their necessity depends on the desired anal
    * controls the quality of raw and cleaned data ([FastQC](https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/))
    * makes a taxonomic classification of cleaned reads ([Kaiju MEM](https://github.com/bioinformatics-centre/kaiju) + [kronaTools](https://github.com/marbl/Krona/wiki/KronaTools) + [plot_kaiju_stat.py](bin/plot_kaiju_stat.py) + [merge_kaiju_results.py](bin/merge_kaiju_results.py))
 * `S02_ASSEMBLY` 
-   * assembles reads ([metaSPAdes](https://github.com/ablab/spades) or [Megahit](https://github.com/voutcn/megahit) or [Hifiasm_meta](https://github.com/lh3/hifiasm-meta), [metaFlye](https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye) or [metaMDBG](https://github.com/GaetanBenoitDev/metaMDBG))
+   * assembles reads ([metaSPAdes](https://github.com/ablab/spades) or [Megahit](https://github.com/voutcn/megahit) or [Hifiasm_meta](https://github.com/lh3/hifiasm-meta), [metaFlye](https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye))
    * assesses the quality of assembly ([metaQUAST](http://quast.sourceforge.net/metaquast))
    * reads deduplication, alignment against contigs for short reads ([BWA-MEM2](https://github.com/bwa-mem2/bwa-mem2) + [Samtools](http://www.htslib.org/))
    * reads alignment against contigs for HiFi reads ([Minimap2](https://github.com/lh3/minimap2)  + [Samtools](http://www.htslib.org/))
diff --git a/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py b/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py
index fdea68d1d96b150bc8f2a09d7c328819055392be..7ec0b9d53c541722f456b1ba87cf8391a26a31b1 100755
--- a/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py
+++ b/bin/filter_contig_per_cpm.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ __status__ = 'dev'
 from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
 import pandas as pd
-import numpy as np
 import logging
 import pyfastx
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ import pyfastx
 def parse_arguments():
     """Parse script arguments."""
-    parser = ArgumentParser(description="...",
+    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Calculate CPM per contig",
     parser.add_argument("-i", "--samtools_idxstats", nargs='+',  required = True, 
@@ -59,36 +58,71 @@ def parse_arguments():
     args = parser.parse_args()
     return args
-def combine_idxstat_files(idxstat_files):
+def combine_idxstat_files(idxstat_dfs):
-    Combine multiple idxstat files that have the same contigs.
+    Combine multiple idxstat df that have the same contigs.
     Sum the #_mapped_read_segments column over multiple idxstat files that have the same reference sequences.
+    common_contigs = set(idxstat_dfs[0].index)
+    for df in idxstat_dfs[1:]:
+        common_contigs = common_contigs.union(set(df.index))
+    # Convert set to list for pandas indexing
+    common_contigs_list = sorted(list(common_contigs))
+    # Filter dataframes to keep only common contigs
+    filtered_dfs = [df.loc[common_contigs_list] for df in idxstat_dfs]
+    # Combine dataframes
+    combined_df = filtered_dfs[0].copy()
+    for df in filtered_dfs[1:]:
+        combined_df['#_mapped_read_segments'] += df['#_mapped_read_segments']
+        combined_df['cpm_count'] += df['cpm_count']
+    return combined_df      
+def combine_kept_contigs(kept_contigs_list):
+    """Combine multiple lists of kept contigs."""
+    # Get contigs that appear in all lists (union)
+    common_contigs = set(kept_contigs_list[0])
+    for contigs in kept_contigs_list[1:]:
+        common_contigs = common_contigs.union(set(contigs))
+    return pd.Index(list(common_contigs))
+def filter_cpm(idxstat_file, cpm_cutoff):
+    """
+    Calculate and filter byCPM for each contig.
+    """
     columns_names = ['reference_sequence_name', 
-                    '#_mapped_read_segments',
+                    '#_mapped_read_segments',    
-    idxstat_df = pd.read_csv(idxstat_files[0],
-                            sep ='\t',
+    idxstat_df = pd.read_csv(idxstat_file, sep ='\t',
                             names = columns_names, 
                             usecols = ['reference_sequence_name', 
-    for idxstat_file in idxstat_files[1:]:
-        other_idxstat_df = pd.read_csv(idxstat_file,
-                            sep ='\t',
-                            names = columns_names, 
-                            usecols = ['reference_sequence_name',
-                                        '#_mapped_read_segments',],
-                            comment="*").set_index('reference_sequence_name')
-        idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments'] += other_idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments']
+    logging.info(f'idxstat_file: {idxstat_df}')
+    sum_reads = idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments'].sum()
+    idxstat_df['cpm_count'] = 1e6 * (idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments'] / sum_reads)
+    # Apply CPM cutoff
+    kept_contigs = idxstat_df.loc[idxstat_df["cpm_count"] >= cpm_cutoff].index
+    logging.info(f'length of idxstat_file: {len(idxstat_df)}')
+    logging.info(f'length of kept_contigs: {len(kept_contigs)}')
+    return kept_contigs, idxstat_df
-    return idxstat_df
 def main():
     args = parse_arguments()
@@ -101,27 +135,31 @@ def main():
         logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
     cpm_cutoff = float(args.cutoff_cpm)
-    # Read input tables 
-    idxstat_df = combine_idxstat_files(args.samtools_idxstats)
-    # Calculates cpm for each contig
-    sum_reads = idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments'].sum()
-    logging.info(f'Total number of mapped reads {sum_reads}')
-    logging.info(f'With a cpm cutoff of {args.cutoff_cpm}, contigs with less than {(sum_reads*cpm_cutoff)/1e6} reads are removed.')
-    idxstat_df['cpm_count'] = 1e6 * idxstat_df['#_mapped_read_segments']/sum_reads
-    # Contigs with nb reads > cutoff
-    kept_contigs = idxstat_df.loc[idxstat_df["cpm_count"] >= cpm_cutoff].index
-    logging.info(f'{len(kept_contigs)}/{len(idxstat_df)} contigs are kept with a cpm cutoff of {cpm_cutoff}.')
+    # logging.info(f'idxstat file: {idxstat_file}')
+    idxstat_results = [filter_cpm(idxstat_file, cpm_cutoff) for idxstat_file in args.samtools_idxstats]
+    # Separate idxstat and kept_contigs
+    kept_contigs, idxstat_dfs = zip(*idxstat_results)
+    logging.info(f'number of kept_contigs: {len(kept_contigs)}')
+    logging.info(f'number of idxstat_file: {len(idxstat_dfs)}')
+    # Combine idxstat dataframes
+    combined_idxstat_df = combine_idxstat_files(idxstat_dfs)   
+    logging.info(f'length of list_idxstat_df: {len(combined_idxstat_df)}')
+    combined_kept_contigs = combine_kept_contigs(kept_contigs)
+    combined_kept_contigs = set(combined_kept_contigs.tolist())
+    logging.info(f'length of combined_kept_contigs: {len(combined_kept_contigs)}')
+    logging.info(f'{len(combined_kept_contigs)}/{len(combined_idxstat_df)} contigs are kept with a cpm cutoff of {cpm_cutoff}.')
     # Write new fasta files with kept and unkept contigs
     with open(args.select, "w") as out_select_handle, open(args.discard, "w") as out_discard_handle:
         for contig, seq in pyfastx.Fasta(args.fasta_file, build_index=False):
-            if contig in kept_contigs:
+            if contig in combined_kept_contigs:
diff --git a/conf/base.config b/conf/base.config
index aa3d2cd07f40da0c956e9bf814171d0562b0e78f..061d014bba48b8aef1c4a273144a3d3764a52d2d 100644
--- a/conf/base.config
+++ b/conf/base.config
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ process {
     maxErrors = '-1'
     withName: CUTADAPT {
+        container = 'quay.io/biocontainers/cutadapt:5.0--py310h1fe012e_0'
         cpus = 8
         memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ process {
         memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
     withName: MULTIQC {
+        container = 'quay.io/biocontainers/multiqc:1.27.1--pyhdfd78af_0'
         memory = { 8.GB * task.attempt }
     withName: HOST_FILTER {
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ process {
         cpus = 10
     withName: GTDBTK {
+        container = 'quay.io/biocontainers/gtdbtk:2.4.0--pyhdfd78af_2'
         memory = { 64.GB * task.attempt }
         cpus = 16
diff --git a/docs/source/output.md b/docs/source/output.md
index cbea201d116846e7a0d16a68fff4ef0051421bf3..e9ca730b37905edba7a7e9ee95f2de95df68b30c 100644
--- a/docs/source/output.md
+++ b/docs/source/output.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ The `results/` directory contains a sub-directory for each step launched:
 In this directory you have either the results of assembly with `metaspades` or `megahit`
-if you analyse short read data and `hifiasm-meta`, `metaflye` or `metamdbg`
+if you analyse short read data and `hifiasm-meta` or `metaflye`.
 if you analyse HiFi data. You have chosen your assembly tool with `--assembly` parameter.
diff --git a/docs/source/usage.md b/docs/source/usage.md
index c49c5b200eeed38f40055b20e5d56e4a8d795314..5aae59f8d64e0a42264da7126874285b2c4e6ede 100644
--- a/docs/source/usage.md
+++ b/docs/source/usage.md
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ See [II. Input files](usage.md#ii-input-files) and warnings.
 | Parameter | Description |
 | ------------ | ----------- |
-| `--assembly` | allows to indicate the assembly tool.<br /> For short reads: `["metaspades" or "megahit"]`:  Default: `metaspades`.<br /> For HiFi reads:  `["hifiasm-meta", "metaflye", "metamdbg"]`. Default: `hifiasm-meta`.|
+| `--assembly` | allows to indicate the assembly tool.<br /> For short reads: `["metaspades" or "megahit"]`:  Default: `metaspades`.<br /> For HiFi reads:  `["hifiasm-meta", "metaflye"]`. Default: `hifiasm-meta`.|
 | `--coassembly` | allows to assemble together the samples labeled with the same group in the samplesheet. <br /> It will generate one assembly for each group. To co-assemble all of your samples together, <br /> you must indicate a unique group for each sample in the samplesheet.|
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ for each group co-assembled and automatically mapping with every sample of his g
 * For short reads, the user can choose between `metaspades` or `megahit` for `--assembly` parameter. 
 The choice can be based on CPUs and memory availability: `metaspades` needs more CPUs and memory than `megahit` but
 our tests showed that assembly metrics are better for `metaspades` than `megahit`. For PacBio HiFi reads, the user
-can choose between `hifiasm-meta`, `metaflye` or `metamdbg`.
+can choose between `hifiasm-meta` or `metaflye`.
diff --git a/env/binning.yml b/env/binning.yml
index 77d3f73423e6e3cc1c14a65f5d97b37535f0c762..45a2405cd04522b9be88220d22370ab00762161d 100644
--- a/env/binning.yml
+++ b/env/binning.yml
@@ -26,6 +26,5 @@ dependencies:
   - metabat2=2.15
   - maxbin2=2.2.7
   - concoct=1.1.0
-  - gtdbtk=2.1
   - drep=3.0.0
   - pprodigal
diff --git a/env/metagWGS.yml b/env/metagWGS.yml
index 463510dd7f7935b58f2d2ee2db86c44b2aa9d369..cb02fd831104c8f980fa01af49a32857bb7f06c6 100644
--- a/env/metagWGS.yml
+++ b/env/metagWGS.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ dependencies:
   - bcbio-gff=0.6.9
   - bwa-mem2=2.2.1
   - cd-hit=4.8.1
-  - cutadapt=4.2
   - diamond=2.0.15
   - eggnog-mapper=2.1.9
   - fastqc=0.11.9
@@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ dependencies:
   - krona=2.8.1
   - megahit=1.2.9
   - minimap2=2.24
-  - multiqc=1.14
   - pandas=1.5.2
   - plotly
   - prodigal=2.6.3
diff --git a/modules/get_software_versions.nf b/modules/get_software_versions.nf
index a60f2174a31f01a32b0820d864d3ee2cbc8321ff..97cbef9430efb71648db97d80242b4e0750d2d1d 100644
--- a/modules/get_software_versions.nf
+++ b/modules/get_software_versions.nf
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ process GET_SOFTWARE_VERSIONS {
     echo $workflow.manifest.version > v_pipeline.txt
     echo $workflow.nextflow.version > v_nextflow.txt
     python --version &> v_python.txt
-    multiqc --version &> v_multiqc.txt
     scrape_software_versions.py > software_versions_mqc.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/gtdbtk.nf b/modules/gtdbtk.nf
index 73499bae789f36cba129a85fc58459f09374c271..ba9b86decd7a408a9d740b5f23254d7e5c2b53bf 100644
--- a/modules/gtdbtk.nf
+++ b/modules/gtdbtk.nf
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ process GTDBTK {
   export GTDBTK_DATA_PATH=$gtdbtk_db
-  gtdbtk classify_wf --genome_dir $drep_bins_folder -x fa --out_dir ./ --pplacer_cpus ${task.cpus} --cpus ${task.cpus}
+  gtdbtk classify_wf --genome_dir $drep_bins_folder -x fa --out_dir ./ --skip_ani_screen --pplacer_cpus ${task.cpus} --cpus ${task.cpus}
   echo \$(gtdbtk -h 2>&1) &> v_gtdbtk.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/multiqc.nf b/modules/multiqc.nf
index d4581ade489f255926ba3abdc8cd6f3299a60d92..68b88160af8106134c262bd92cca05676b3dbc78 100644
--- a/modules/multiqc.nf
+++ b/modules/multiqc.nf
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ process MULTIQC {
-    multiqc . --config ${multiqc_config} -m custom_content -m fastqc -m cutadapt -m sickle -m kaiju -m quast -m prokka -m featureCounts -m samtools
+    multiqc . --config ${multiqc_config} -m custom_content -m fastqc -m cutadapt -m sickle -m kaiju -m quast -m prokka -m featurecounts -m samtools
     multiqc --version > v_multiqc.txt