# MetaboHUB / PeakForest - Basal Library
## Metadata
* authors: <>, <>
* creation date: `2023-05-26`
* main usage: Vue.js webcomponents use for [PeakForest V3 Web-Applications](https://TODO-PForest-URL/).
TODO add a fiew words about PeakForest project
## Getting Started
This WebComponent library is compatible with projects using [Vue.js 3]( and [TypeScript](
This project is based on [Vue.js](, [Vite]( and [Vuetify]( frameworks.
### Prerequisites
Note: this section is for developers who want to get involved into this project.
* Node 18.16.0 (mandatory) - we recommand you to use [Node Version Manager](
* Vue 3 (mandatory) - install with `npm install -g vue@latest`
* git (recommended) - used during build to extract current commit hash/tag into showcase webapp footer.
* curl (very optional) - only used for CI/CD
### Installing
Note: this section is for developers who want to implement and use this library into their own project(s).
To add the library to your [Node.js]( project, please enter the following commands:
<!-- TODO: host it on npm global repository -->
# if you already have installed the library, you must remove the previous one:
npm remove @metabohub/peakforest-basal-library
# config. the GitLab registry (dev. version)
# WARNING: you must create a GitLab API Token with this rights: api, read_api, read_repository
npm config set -- //$GITLAB_API_TOKEN
npm config set @metabohub/peakforest-basal-library:registry
# to install the library in your current Node.js project:
npm i --save @metabohub/peakforest-basal-library
Then you must import the library in your `src/main.ts` file:
// import the library and its styles
import { MetabohubPeakForestBasalLibrary } from '@metabohub/peakforest-basal-library';
import '@metabohub/peakforest-basal-library/dist/src/components/main.css';
const app = createApp(App);
registerPlugins(app); // <= import your plugin like vuetify, ...
app.use(MetabohubPeakForestBasalLibrary); // <= add this line!
Finally you can add our WebComponent in you own Vue components:
<div class="demo">
<mth-pf-display-property property-label="Hello" property-value="World" />
<script lang="ts">
// from Vue core
import { ref } from "vue";
export default {
name: "Demo",
<style lang="scss"></style>
<!-- TODO
## Running the tests
Explain how to run the automated tests for this system
### Break down into end to end tests
Explain what these tests test and why
Give an example
### And coding style tests
Explain what these tests test and why
Give an example
## Developments
<!-- ### Edit Forum endpoint connection
If you edit `src/assets/doc_forum-openapi.json` file, you must re-generate the endpoint client code thanks `npm run openapi-generator` code. -->
### Library build and publish
Build and publish the library
# install node modules listed into 'package.json' / 'package-lock.json' files
npm install
# build the library
npm pack
# publish the library
npm publish
* the publication registery is set into these files:
* [.npmrc](.npmrc).
* [package.json](package.json) - key "publishConfig".
* the publication is automatic during CI/CD process; see [.gitlab-ci.yml](.gitlab-ci.yml) file.
* during the GitLab CI/CD pipeline, the previous package with the same version identifier is removed thanks:
* `curl` commands - to get all published packages in targeted GitLab packages registery and remove a specific one\
(it require a GitLab API token with correct authorizations under `MASTER_TOKEN` CI/CD variable)
### Standalone showcase build
Build the standalone version with these commands
# install node modules listed into 'package.json' / 'package-lock.json' files
npm install
# either build the DEV standalone version
# or build the PROD standalone version
Please refer to [.env](.env), [.env.developement](.env.developement) and [.env.production](.env.production) files to see changes between PROD and DEV versions.
Note: you can run the standalone version into "dev mode" thanks `npm run dev` command.
## Contributing
Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
## Versioning
We use [GitLab]( for versioning.
For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](
Consult the [Changelog file]( for further informations about versions and changes.
## Authors
* **Nils Paulhe** - *Initial work* - MetaboHUB, INRAE, PFEM.
* **Célian Barbe** - *Initial work* - MetaboHUB, INRAE, PFEM.
See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.
## License
This project is licensed under the `Apache 2` License - see the []( file for details
## Acknowledgments
* [MetaboHUB](
* [INRAE](